TDU students 2019/2020
Our first 9 students from the TDU Istanbul almost finished their first semester here at FIN OvGU.
Bachelorverteidigung Johannes Behrens
Herr Johannes Behrens verteidigt am 18.11.2019, um 15:00 Uhr im Raum 319 seine Bachelorarbeit
zum Thema:
"Haptische Kommunikation im MIOT-Lab: Ein Framework für hochskalierbare, automtisierte Netzwerkexperimente mit haptischen Daten"
Interessenten sind herzlich eingeladen.
Fachgespräch Sensornetze
We warmly welcome our guests to the 18. GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch Sensornetze, held on Thu-Fri 19-20. September 2019!
The Fachgespräch is held @FIN and is hosted by ComSys.
Thesis Defense of Vasu Dev Mukku
Mr. Vasu Dev Mukku will defend his thesis titled “Li-Fi (Light-Fidelity) in Industry 4.0: Integration of Li-Fi Communication in a Factory Planning Laboratory” on Wednesday 4th of Septermber in room G29-319 at 12:00. Interested parties are invited to the defense.
ComSys @ RIOT Summit 2019
ComSys, represented by Marian Buschsieweke, will hold a talk at the RIOT Summt 2019
Published Paper in IJCS Wiley 19
ComSys is pleased to share that our paper titled "Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks in Industry 4.0: Exploring Requirements, Protocols, and Challenges A MAC Survey" has been published in the Wiley International Journal of Communication Systems (Impact Factor: 1.278).
Web link of journal paper:
Accepted paper for IEEE UEMCON 2019
We are glad that our paper titled "A Comprehensive Experimental Evaluation of Radio Irregularity in BLE Networks" accepted in 10th Annual Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics & Mobile Communication Conference (UEMCON) conference.
Pressemitteilung zum Projekt "FEMININ quer durchs Land"
Science-Camp möchte Schülerinnen Lust auf Informatik und Technik machen