
Master Thesis Defense of Ujjval Rathod

28.09.2020 -

Mr Ujjval Rathod will defend his Master Thesis on the 28th of Septermeber at 10 o'clock

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Bachelor Thesis Defense of Lukas Gehreke

18.09.2020 -

Lukas Gehreke will defend his Bachelor Thesis on 18th of September at 10 o'clock

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ComSys co-authored paper selected for Best Survey Paper Award

03.08.2020 -
ComSys co-authored paper “A survey on position-based routing protocols for Flying Ad hoc Networks (FANETs)” published in VehCom has been selected for the 2019 VehCom Best Survey Paper Award.

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Comsys sucht WiMi

01.07.2020 -

Der Lehrstuhl ComSys sucht einen Mitarbeiter zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt.

Details zur Stellenausschreibung ist zu finden in der offiziellen OVGU Stellenausschreibung.

Link zur Stellenausschreibung

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Two accepted papers for IEEE PIMRC

22.06.2020 -

Two ComSys papers have been accepted to this year's IEEE PIMRC conference:

  • "Predictive Interference Management for BLE" by Ali Nikoukar, Yash Shah, Adel Memariani, Mesut Güneş, Behnam Dezfouli
  • "The OVGU Haptic Communication Testbed (OVGU-HC)" by Frank Engelhardt, Johannes Behrens, Mesut Güneş

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Radio Interview about 5G and Fake News

26.05.2020 -

On Thursday the 9th of June at 18:00, Kai Kientopf is in an interview about 5G and Fake News on the Polish radio sender Radio Żory. (Polish version / English version)

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Bachelorverteidigung Jana Eisoldt

12.05.2020 -

Frau Jana Eisoldt verteidigte am 12.05.2020, um 12:00 Uhr ihre Bachelorarbeit zum Thema:

"Secure IoT Device Commissioning"

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PhD defense of Saleem Raza

11.03.2020 -

We are happy to announce that Saleem Raza successfully completed his PhD defense. Congratulations!

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ComSys hosts workshop TCoNS at INFORMATIK2020

28.02.2020 -

We are pleased to announce that ComSys group is going to organize the Workshop on Tools and Concepts for Communication and Networked Systems (TCoNS), which is co-located with the 50th GI Jahrestagung INFORMATIK2020 in Karlsruhe.

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Last Modification: 17.09.2020 - Contact Person: Manuela Kanneberg